Gerald W. & Edith F. Wallace Scholarship

Fund Background: The fund was established in 1993 by Mr. Wallace shortly after the death of his wife of nearly 50 years. Mr. Wallace was one of those North Dakotans who, although he had left the state many years ago, never forgot his roots here in North Dakota. He was home for a reunion in his hometown of Bowbells in 1967 when he met a local man who was confined to a wheelchair. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and this local man became good friends during their visit.

The Wallaces felt badly that even though their friend was brilliant, he didn't have the opportunity to continue his education beyond high school. Over the years they discussed establishing a scholarship fund to help young people with physical disabilities to continue their education. When Edith died in 1992, Gerald felt it was time to realize their dream of a fund for students in his home state. The fund was established and within two years, Gerald passed away at the age of 90.

Eligibility Requirements: The fund will assist students with a physical disability who are from North Dakota farm families. First priority is for students from Burke County, North Dakota. The award amount is based on the student's needs and available funds.

Applications will be accepted from January 1- April 1. Click here to apply.