Rupert J. Rehberg Scholarship

Fund Background: The Rupert J. Rehberg Scholarship Fund was established as a permanent component fund of the North Dakota Community Foundation by a gift from the Rupert Rehberg Estate in the year 2006. The initial primary purpose of the fund is to financially assist students from McKenzie County North Dakota to continue their education.

Eligibility Requirements: Student must have had their primary permanent address in McKenzie County for 2 full years before applying. If an applicant does not have a high school transcript that verifies 2 years of attendance they are required to submit a ND State issued photo id showing 2 years of residency. Please contact us with questions.

Priority for Recipients shall be based on the following:
1. Recipients must demonstrate financial need.
2. Recipient must enroll as a full-time student (12 credit hours/semester).
3. Students with an average GPA between a C (2.0) up to a B+ average (3.5 on a 4.0=A scale) are given first priority to scholarship funds. However, all students outside of this range are also encouraged to apply.
4. All undergraduate and graduate students from McKenzie County, who have been residents for at least two years before applying, are eligible to apply. 

Recipients are limited to receive a maximum of four awards from the fund and must reapply each year.  Read instructions carefully, all required documents must be included with application or it will not be considered.

Applications will be accepted from January 1- April 1. Click here to apply.