Sally Brash Memorial Scholarship

Fund Background: Established with a gift from the Estate of Inez May Bergeson in loving memory of her daughter, Sally Brash. The Sally Brash Memorial Scholarship Fund will provide scholarship assistance to students who graduate from Sargent Central School District No. 6. Students who have qualities similar to Ms. Brash will receive priority for the award.

Eligibility Requirements: To financially assist students from Sargent Central Public School District #6. Students may attend any institution of higher learning to include vocational education. Preference will be given to students who rank in the top ½ of the senior class, and who display these character traits possessed in great measure by Sally Brash:

  • Intelligence
  • Personal Character
  • Kindness
  • Ambition
  • Generosity

Applications accepted January 1 - April 1 only. Applications received outside of this window will NOT be accepted.

Return completed application to

Sargent Central High School Counselor, 575 5th St SW, Forman, ND 58032

Download application form (PDF)