Bismarck Public Schools Scholarship Fund

Fund Background: The Bismarck Schools Scholarship Fund was established in 1986 by an anonymous donor who wanted to encourage others to help Bismarck students go to college.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • To financially assist a graduating senior from any of the public high schools—Bismarck High, Century High School, Legacy High School, or South Central High School.
  • Selection will be based on academic achievement, need and school performance indicating probable success in higher education.
  • The principal of each high school will assist NDCF by recommending recipients.

Applications accepted January 1 - April 1 only. Applications received outside of this window will NOT be accepted.

Return completed application form to: 

The Principal's Office of the high school student is attending.

Bismarck High School 
Century High School
Legacy High School
South Central High School

Download application form (PDF)