Scholarship Funds at NDCF
Scholarships are listed below geographically or by college. Each scholarship has its own set of specific eligibility requirements, preferences, and priorities. In some cases, additional information, such as an essay, is required. Please read each scholarship description carefully before submitting your application.
In all cases, the scholarship deadline is firm - applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
* Scholarship award will be less than $500
** Scholarship award will be less than $300
Scholarships by College
Cody Feist Memorial Scholarship* - (engineering)
Holli Kautzman Memorial Scholarship - (pharmacy)
UND School of Medicine
John J. Ayash Scholarship*
James & Winifred Marvin Scholarship Fund
Statewide Scholarships
Audrey Doyle Scholarship (3rd year college student)
Calvin Andrist Scholarship (journalism)
Curtis Stern Memorial Scholarship (agriculture, emphasis on sunflowers)
Donald B. Sass Memorial Scholarship (field of oil and gas)
Dushinske & Jamison Water Resources Scholarship
Elvine Sondreaal Septon Scholarship
Gerald W. & Edith F. Wallace Scholarship (farm family, physical disability)
Jake Wallin Memorial Law Enforcement Scholarship
Kenneth & Leila Morris Dental Scholarship
Monroe Scheflo Memorial & U.S. Durum Growers Association Scholarships
ND Aviation Scholarships
Jim Lawler Memorial Scholarship Fund
ND Aviation Scholarship Endowment Fund
ND Aviation Scholarship Non-Endowment Fund
Pilot Legacy Scholarship Fund
ND Aviation Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund
ND Career & Technical Education/Reuben T. Guenthner Scholarship
ND Farmers Union - Alan Bergman Scholarship
ND Farmers Union Co-op House Scholarship
ND Farmers Union Scholarship
NDCF Veterinary Medicine Scholarship (formerly the Dr. Roger Meisner Vet Med Scholarship)
ND Veterinary Medical Association Endowment Scholarship
North Dakota Nurse Practitioner Association Scholarship
Ronald D. Liudahl Scholarship (wildlife mgmt and/or fisheries biology)
Stanley & Julie Buxa Nursing Scholarship*
Tom and Ruth Bettenhausen Scholarship (veterinary medicine)
County-wide Scholarships
Multiple County
- Jeff Burgess Memorial Scholarship (Burleigh, McClean, Mercer, Morton, Oliver)
- Kyle Binstock Memorial Scholarship* (Adams, Bowman, Emmons, Grant, Hettinger)
- Larry and Jean Buchholz Family Scholarship (Bowman, Slope, and Harding, SD)
Barnes County
Dick & Dean Bultema Scholarship
Kenneth & Arline Lueck Scholarship Fund
Billings County
Billings County Scholarship
Kidder County
Timothy T. & Frances White Scholarship
McKenzie County
Arnold & Dorothy Holm Scholarship Fund
Connie Wold Wellness Foundation Scholarship
Donna Maston Charitable Fund Scholarship
Ray & Lillian Gulbranson Scholarship
Rupert J. Rehberg Scholarship
Wayne Olson Memorial Scholarship
Morton County
Robert E. Chase Scholarship
Pembina County
Alice Olson Byron Memorial Music Scholarship
Walsh County
Lloyd & Martha Haas Scholarship
Theo Torgerson Scholarship
Victor & Verna Johnson Scholarship
Wells County
Eleanor Wiebe Scholarship
Community Scholarships
Frank & Emilie Blasl Memorial Scholarship*
J. Garvin Jacobson Scholarship
Belcourt (Turtle Mountain High School)
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
Darrel and Arloween Remington Scholarship
Alton Carl Wolfer Memorial Scholarship**
Benjamin Berg Memorial Scholarship
Bismarck Rotary Club Scholarship
Bismarck Schools Scholarship
Chris Traeholt Memorial Scholarship**
Edgar Bollinger Memorial Scholarship**
Esther Hample Scholarship
Evan Grove Scholarship - clay target league
Guy Larson Scholarship**
Harold Kepler Music Scholarship
Jim & Barbara Blaine Scholarship
Kathy Eggmann Memorial Scholarship**
Lisa Kraft Memorial Scholarship
Muriel R. Hyden Memorial Scholarship
ND Military Scholarship*
Paulie (Paula) Paul Memorial Scholarship*
Robert C. Peske Memorial Scholarship**
Tom Sturdevant Scholarship*
Tyler Herman Memorial Scholarship**
Lars & Hilda Svendsgaard Scholarship
Alfred Klewin Scholarship
Berk & Kay Strothman "Bowman High School Class of 1946" Scholarship
Leo D. and Mary C. Kalisiak Memorial Scholarship
Martin and Ellen Rolfsnes Memorial Scholarship
Patricia K. Dyk Educational Scholarship
Burton Louis Gewalt Meritorious
Mary Cotton Marshall Scholarship
Cando (North Star Public School)
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
Emil Nickl Memorial Scholarship
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
Margaret Geiger Green Scholarship*
Melissa Chadwick Memorial Foundation Scholarship
Dakota Prairie
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
Dr. Henry Springer Scholarship
Sue Podenski Scholarship*
Edmore High Funding the Future Fund
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
Ellendale Area Scholarship
Ellendale Farmers Union Scholarship
Helen & Ed Leiby Scholarship
Jean E. Crabtree Memorial Scholarship**
Kyla Morehead Memorial Scholarship**
Leo Billey Memorial Scholarship
Muriel Crabtree Music Scholarship
Tiny & Joyce Gebhardt Scholarship
Mary Cotton Marshall Scholarship
Carlyle R. & Eva M. Albrecht Scholarship*
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
Bert Rotnem Scholarship
Dean & Eleanor Miller Memorial Scholarship
Sally Brash Memorial Scholarship
Fred & Ida Osmon Memorial Scholarship*
Conrad & Arthur Nisstad Memorial Scholarship
Glen Ullin
Ishmael & Rose Diede Charitable Fund for Scholarships: Glen Ullin
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
George H. Bliven Scholarship**
James E. & Marion C. Johnston Memorial Scholarship*
Kiwanis - Meier Scholarship**
laPlante Family Scholarship*
Noela Kingsbury Memorial Scholarship**
Grand Forks
John E. Conneran Memorial Scholarship
Les Melroe Gwinner Scholarship
North Sargent Class of '63 Scholarship*
Ishmael & Rose Diede Charitable Fund for Scholarships: Hebron
Hettinger Class of 1996 Memorial Scholarship
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
Dawn Marie Stoik Memorial Athletic Scholarship*
EllaRae Kelly Memorial Scholarship
Grace Stone Taylor Scholarship
Larimore Public Schools Scholarship
Lloyd A. Engh North Star Masonic Lodge
Paul Daniel Hougen Memorial Athletic Scholarship
Harold & Eldeane Johnson Scholarship
Lewis Lilyquist Scholarship
Lisbon Dollars For Scholars
Bismarck Rotary Club Scholarship
Evan Grove Scholarship - clay target league
ND Military Scholarship*
Travis Allen Hohbein Memorial Scholarship
Michigan Scholarship
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
John & Yvonne Cronquist Midway Scholarship
Kirstin Skari Memorial Scholarship
Minot Kiwanis Scholarship
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
Bob Campbell Scholarship*
Fred & Henrietta Kerian Memorial Scholarship*
Kenneth & Arline Lueck Scholarship Fund (Montpelier High School)
Darrel and Arloween Remington Scholarship
Ishmael & Rose Diede Charitable Fund for Scholarships: Mott-Regent
Michael D. Wehri Scholarship
Richard & Christina Fiedler Scholarship*
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
New England
Alfred Klewin Scholarship**
Ishmael & Rose Diede Charitable Fund for Scholarships: New England
Joan Multhaup Scholarship*
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
BankNorth Scholarship
David Wagner Scholarship
Fay & Irene Sanders Memorial Scholarship
Garry Opp Memorial Scholarship
Gerald Ringdahl Memorial Scholarship
Leo Billey Memorial Scholarship
Mary Goldader (Johnson) Memorial Scholarship*
Max Zelenak Scholarship
Oakes VFW Scholarship
Ray & Hazel Wuolu Memorial Scholarship
Rick & Nancy Warner Bigler Scholarship
Park River
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
Dean & Eleanor Miller Memorial Scholarship
Park River Scholarship
Alfred Klewin Scholarship
Raider Scholarship
Rolla (Mt. Pleasant School)
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
Frank & Catharine Hornstein Memorial Music Scholarship (for assistance to attend International Music Camp in Minot)
Rugby High School Alumni Scholarship
Alfred Klewin Scholarship
Sheldon Mizpah Scholarship*
St. John
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
St. Thomas
Jean A. Argue Scholarship
St. Thomas, ND Scholarship Fund
Einar & Helma Septon Scholarship
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
Helen & Everett Barta Scholarship
Dr. Donald P. Miller Memorial Scholarship
American Legion Riders, ND District #2 Scholarship
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
Freda J. Bulloch Scholarship
Allen Giese Scholarship Fund
Mary Cotton Marshall Scholarship
Watford City
Kirk Wold Memorial Trades Scholarship
Watford City High School Alumni Scholarship Fund
Marv Rockstad Memorial Scholarship