Otto Bremer Trust Selects the North Dakota Community Foundation as Philanthropic Intermediary Partner for 2025 Community Responsive Fund

Otto Bremer Trust logo

The Otto Bremer Trust is a private charitable trust based in St. Paul, Minn. Created in 1944 by business and community leader Otto Bremer, it is committed to supporting an enhanced quality of life for residents of Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and Wisconsin.

North Dakota Community Foundation will administer and distribute $1 million in grants of up to $75,000 to local nonprofits; applications due April 30, 2025.

March 19, 2025, Bismarck, ND — The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) has been selected by the Otto Bremer Trust (OBT) as a philanthropic intermediary partner to administer and distribute funds through its 2025 Community Responsive Fund. Under this partnership, NDCF will work closely with OBT to administer $1 million in funds for grants up to $75,000 to support local organizations that directly respond to immediate challenges and opportunities in the state in one of six key focus areas.

NDCF will serve as a local expert to ensure that the Otto Bremer Trust is increasing the positive impact in the regions it serves by providing guidance on and administering grants from OBT directly to the organizations within North Dakota that are providing effective services and programs.

Download the full news release here . . . 


Kevin Dvorak

ND Community Foundation President & CEO to Retire After 37 Years

February 3, 2025—Kevin Dvorak, President & CEO of the North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF), has announced that he will retire at the end of 2025 after 37 years at the organization.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to lead this foundation for most of my career,” said Dvorak.  “I am especially proud of our work to support rural communities through our grantmaking and in building our 69 local community endowment funds.  It has been ‘work worth doing’, but the time has come for the next chapter of my life. The Foundation has never been stronger and the next CEO, whomever that will be, will take it to new levels of relevance and usefulness for the citizens of North Dakota.”

Dvorak began work at NDCF in 1989 as a Program Officer and became President and CEO in 1995.  He is only the third President and CEO in the organization’s history, succeeding Dr. Richard Timmins and the original Executive Director (and former ND Governor) William L. Guy.  Established in 1976, NDCF is considered one of the first statewide community foundations in the country.

Under his leadership, NDCF has grown from $5 million to more than $160 million in charitable assets and made grants in excess of $118 million supporting North Dakota communities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Its staff size has also increased during his tenure from two employees to 11.  The organization now has offices in Bismarck, Dickinson, Larimore, and Wahpeton.

Download the full news release here.

North Dakota Community Foundation to Host ND Picnic in AZ

January 22, 2025 . . . The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) will be hosting the 57th annual North Dakota Picnic at Red Mountain Park in Mesa, Arizona on Sunday, March 2, 2025.  The event is a gathering of anyone with North Dakota ties living either permanently or part-time in Arizona or elsewhere.  The 2024 ND Picnic drew a crowd estimated at more than 2,000 people.

The event will be held from 10 am to 2:30 pm on Sunday, March 2 at Red Mountain Park, 7745 E. Brown Road in Mesa.  It will feature musical entertainment by North Dakotan musicians Rick Senger and Mooncats, a variety of vendor booths, a classic car show, and the opportunity to meet up with old friends.  There will be food available for purchase.  Attendees are asked to pay $5 per person at the Registration Table to help defray costs.

Overflow parking will be in the nearby Red Mountain High School parking lot with golf cart shuttles to the event.  For more information, visit,, or contact the North Dakota Community Foundation at (701) 222-8349 or

NDCF Recognizes Local Impact of Community Foundations During National Community Foundation Week, November 12–18, 2024

November 6, 2024  ─ The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) is celebrating the work of its local community foundations during National Community Foundation Week, November 12-18. Community Foundation Week, created in 1989 by former president George H.W. Bush, recognizes the work of community foundations throughout America and their collaborative approach to working with the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to address community problems.

“Our local community foundations understand area needs and are in the best position to address the issues their community faces,” said Kevin Dvorak, President and CEO of NDCF. “They are a valuable tool in funding projects and programs and provide a way for residents to give back to their area, with built-in flexibility to meet the changing needs of the community.”

Download full release here.

NDCF Recognizes Importance of Estate Plans During National Estate Planning Awareness Week Oct. 21-27, 2024

The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) recognizes the importance of estate plans as it celebrates National Estate Planning Awareness Week October 21-27, 2024. National Estate Planning Awareness Week was adopted in 2008 to help the public understand what estate planning is and why it is such a vital part of financial wellness. Occurring the third full week in October each calendar year, it offers the perfect opportunity to reach Americans on a regular basis with a reminder of the need for estate planning and how best to find a team of professionals to assist.

“Planning your estate helps avoid unnecessary taxes and fees, eases the burden for family members, and allows you to leave a legacy to the organizations and charities that touch your heart,” said Kevin Dvorak, President and CEO of NDCF. “I’ve seen some well-thought-out estate plans and some problematic ones. It’s a good reminder to think about your plan.”

Download full news release here.


October 4, 2024 . . . The North Dakota Community Foundation has awarded $223,223 in grants from its Statewide Greatest Needs (Unrestricted) Fund to 51 organizations across the state working to improve the quality of life for state residents.  

“We are pleased to support these projects and programs all across our state,” said Kevin J. Dvorak, President & CEO of NDCF. “And we extend our thanks to those who have donated to our Statewide Greatest Needs Fund over the years to make these grants possible.” 

The NDCF Board of Directors reviewed and discussed 124 grant applications at their meeting in September to make the determination of awards.  Grant awards are listed in the attached news release.

Download the full listing of grantees here.

NDCF Awards $770,000 in Scholarships

September 13, 2024 . . . The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) will award more than $770,000 in over 400 scholarships to North Dakota students in 2024.  The organization currently manages over 200 scholarship funds supported by North Dakotans, former residents and those interested in helping North Dakota students succeed.

“These scholarships are all possible because of generous North Dakotans who believe in the value of education,” said Kevin Dvorak, President and CEO of NDCF. “We are grateful to them and we wish these students the best as they continue their studies.”

The following list is organized alphabetically by hometown and provides the name of each scholarship recipient, their hometown, the school they will be attending (if known), and the scholarship fund or funds at NDCF from which the money was granted.  In most cases, a local advisory committee recommends the grant recipient. 

Congratulations to the NDCF Class of 2024!  Download complete listing here.

North Dakota Community Foundation Announces Otto Bremer Trust Community Responsive Fund Grants

Otto Bremer Trust logo

NDCF distributes $1,500,000 in grants to local nonprofits as OBT’s intermediary partner in North Dakota.

August 19, 2024, Bismarck, ND — The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) is pleased to announce that 46 organizations have received grants from its Otto Bremer Trust (OBT) Community Responsive Fund.  NDCF was selected as a philanthropic intermediary partner to administer and distribute funds from OBT’s Community Responsive Fund to organizations in North Dakota.

As a trusted philanthropic intermediary partner to OBT, NDCF serves as a local resource to provide guidance on regional challenges and opportunities, and community dynamics, ensuring that OBT is making a strong, positive impact in the regions it serves by distributing grants of up to $75,000 to support local organizations that directly respond to immediate challenges and opportunities in the state.

“We are pleased to partner with the Otto Bremer Trust to distribute grants to those organizations that are addressing some of the critical needs of our residents,” said Kevin Dvorak, President and CEO of NDCF.  “From our large cities to our rural communities, there are many nonprofit organizations that are finding solutions and addressing the issues that some of our most vulnerable citizens face.”

“We are simply THRILLED to be a recipient of $50K for our rural food program!’ said Karen Mathison, VP of Financial Development for the YMCA of the Northern Sky. “When school is out, the meals that some children received are now gone. Summer can be long when you are hungry.  We will be in the communities of . . . download news release and complete listing of grantees here.

NDCF Elects New Directors and Officers

Bismarck, ND—The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) is pleased to announce the election of Zachary Boettner of Grand Forks and Leslie Bieber of Alexander to three-year terms on the NDCF Board. 

Boettner is an attorney and President/Shareholder of the Olson, Juntunen, Boettner & Cobb law firm in Grand Forks. He has both a legal and accounting background as well as a statewide connection to the banking, agriculture, and commercial business industries.  He has been a member of the Quentin Burdick Center for Cooperatives - Executive Education Committee since 2020.

Bieber is the Superintendent of the Alexander Public School District and has been an educator in North Dakota for 26 years.  As an interactive television instructor, she taught Spanish across the state at both the high school and collegiate level in over 30 schools.  She has served on numerous boards including the Western Dakota Energy Association, Northwest School Leaders, the Western Regional Education Cooperative, and the ND Association of School Administrators.

Re-elected to serve a second three-year term on the board were CJ Hager of Jamestown, Wanda Uran-Nelson of Watford City, and Ken Hall of Bismarck. Download full news release here.

NDCF Statewide Greatest Needs Grant Applications Due July 31

June 28, 2024 - The North Dakota Community Foundation is now accepting applications for grants from its Statewide Greatest Needs Fund.  Eligible organizations in the state include those designated by the IRS as 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt groups, government agencies, such as a park district or school district, or an organization that has one of the above acting as its fiscal sponsor.

Applications are submitted online at  The NDCF Board of Directors will review the applications and make final decisions at their fall meeting.  Grants are generally $5,000 or less and delivered in late October. 

Established in 1976, the North Dakota Community Foundation manages over $138 million in assets for the betterment of North Dakota communities and citizens.  It has awarded a total of over $105 million in grants since its inception.  More information is available at or by calling 701-222-8349.

Stromsodt, Geiger, and Heinen Recertified as CFREs

May 22, 2024 — The North Dakota Community Foundation is pleased to announce that Development Directors Amy Stromsodt, Kara Geiger, and John Heinen have all been recertified by CFRE International as Certified Fund Raising Executives

Individuals granted the CFRE credential have met a series of standards set by CFRE International which include tenure in the profession, education, and demonstrated fundraising achievement. They have also passed a rigorous exam testing the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of a fundraising executive, and have agreed to uphold Accountability Standards and the Donor Bill of Rights.

Download the full news release here.

NDCF Surpasses $138 Million in 2023

May 7, 2024 . . . The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) has announced that it surpassed $138 million in net assets in 2023.  The organization was founded in 1976 to improve the quality of life of North Dakotans through charitable giving and promoting philanthropy. 

NDCF currently manages more than 900 charitable funds, including 69 local community foundations in the state and over 150 scholarship funds for North Dakota students.  It also administers organizational endowment funds, donor-advised funds, school foundations, and special interest funds for individuals and nonprofit organizations across North Dakota. It has awarded more than $105 million in grants since its inception. The organization has offices in Bismarck, Larimore, Dickinson, and Wahpeton, North Dakota.

Download the full news release here.

Download the 2023 Annual Report here.