COVID-19 Information and Updates

COVID19 Community and Nonprofit Response Fund
In April of 2020, the North Dakota Community Foundation created the COVID-19 Community and Nonprofit Response Fund to provide a way for businesses and individuals to help North Dakota organizations responding to the pandemic.
The NDCF Board of Directors dedicated their entire 2020 Statewide Greatest Needs Grant monies to the COVID-19 relief grants. Many generous individuals, corporations, foundations and others also contributed to the fund to provide over $750,000 in grant awards to organizations and impacted individuals across the state.
NDCF focused its grantmaking on areas that were not receiving substantial government help and distributed the money in four different grant rounds, beginning in April of 2020 before government assistance became available. These grants helped many organizations “bridge the gap” from the onset of the pandemic and its economic effects on their work to the time when federal assistance became available. The Fund later provided assistance to nonprofits providing crucial services, primarily food pantries, as the impacts of the pandemic and resulting economic downturn continued. Reports on NDCF’s four COVID-19 grant rounds are listed below.
The North Dakota Community Foundation’s COVID19 Community and Nonprofit Response Fund is now closed. Going forward, NDCF will continue to make grants from its over 750 charitable funds using its standard grant rounds and undoubtedly many of those grants will go to organizations that are still feeling the negative impacts of the pandemic and the actions taken to mitigate its health effects.
For those that would like to assist our nonprofit community recover from this event, and the effects of the pandemic and mitigation efforts will be felt for some time, NDCF suggests that you give to your trusted local nonprofit organizations, to your local community foundation and to the NDCF Statewide Greatest Needs Fund. All will need your assistance as we recover from this monumental disruption to our way of life. Thank you for your generosity.
First Grant Round News Release (download pdf)
Second Grant Round (download pdf)