Bismarck Office
711 Riverwood Drive, Suite 2 | P.O. Box 387 | Bismarck, ND 58502-0387 | (701) 222-8349
Eastern North Dakota Office
P.O. Box 735 | Larimore, ND 58251 | (701) 795-1531
Western North Dakota Office
PO Box 1505 | Dickinson, ND 58602-1505 | (701) 590-4614
Board of Directors
The NDCF Board of Directors is comprised of individuals from all over North Dakota in various professions and walks of life.
The NDCF Board of Directors are volunteers. They receive no financial compensation for their service on the Board. They are elected from the population of North Dakota and are selected to represent a broad cross-section of North Dakotans. They can serve 2 three-year terms and then must leave the Board. This structure ensures that the North Dakota Community Foundation is truly the people of North Dakota's Foundation.
Interested in Serving?
If you are interested in serving on the NDCF Board, please contact us. We keep a list of potential board members for consideration. Click here to view our Board Roles & Responsibilities.

Left to Right: Scott Nicholson (Development Director, Wahpeton), Deb Clark (Office Manager, Bismarck), Christi Stonecipher (Director of Communications, Bismarck), Scott Meschke (Dickinson), C.J. Hager (Jamestown), Chantel Southam (Mohall), Dean Anagnost (Bismarck), Wanda Uran-Nelson (Watford City), Ken Hall (Bismarck), Julie Graney (Beulah), Kevin Dvorak (President & CEO, Bismarck), Zach Boettner (Grand Forks), Laurel Goulding (Devils Lake), John Heinen (Development Director, Dickinson), Art Rosenberg (Fargo), Gayle Seibel (Wishek), Kara Geiger (Development Director, Bismarck), Judy Sauter (Database Manaer, Bismarck), Jeff Wanek (Accountant, Bismarck), Amy Stromsodt (Development Director, Larimore)
Board members not pictured: Leah Kingsbury (Nash), David Meyer (West Fargo), Lance Gullison (Lisbon)
Staff members not pictured: Robin Salander (Executive Assistant, Larimore), Nicole Wadsworth (Executive Assistant, Dickinson)